Going to Cannes Lions, you were probably snobby and looked down on those guys looking at the websites shortlists. You considered those internet guys like those who were not as successful as you in your prestigious ad agencies, like some B-Grade creatives. After partying till the morning, you spent hours looking at the films long list and covered kilometres in the print exhibitions thinking"Fuck, I wish I did that".
After years of hard work and long sleepless nights, you finally managed to have the word "Director" in your title and got your work published in Archive Magazine and some metals trophies in your office. You managed to shoot some cool tv scripts with some trendy film directors. You felt important when the production companies invited you for lunch. Finally, you thought"The hardest times are behind me. Now, I'll cruise on my 'senior-ship' status, grab the best briefs, and enjoy family times in the weekends. After all, isn't that what the 40s is all about?"
During those years, while you thought you were a creative genius, some of the internet guys you were looking down upon were changing the world... Literally (and by the way, none of your TV ads ever changed the world). Moreover, by changing the world, they were also changing your job, without asking for your permission.
You wake up one morning, and you find yourself in a meeting hearing words you never heard before (words that you secretly google, at least to get the gist of what they are talking about). Your new colleagues have job titles that did not even exist some years back. You thought you were the sole owner of ideas and you realise that great ideas are coming from everywhere in the agency. Your world is collapsing.
You need a break, so you go on Facebook, only to see a post from Anthony, a client service assistant's assistant. It's a funny, creative video that he wrote, shot, edited and graded… And it's fabulous!You meet him at the coffee machine to congratulate him. He replies"Oh...this thing...yeah… Thanks, I did it over the weekend!".
Yes, everything changed, and this does not apply only to 40+ creative guys. It concerns any person working in our industry. So you learn, readapt and reboot, you go to online courses on Lynda to keep the pace, to stay in the run. You made it! Today, you master creativity in a much global-holistic-integrated way. Your ideas spread on several platforms, from analogue to digital, brand activation and PR. You understood the new rules and started winning metals trophies in those categories. You reborn, you feel young and trendy, you are the king of the world.
One day you wake up and hear you are pitching against Accenture and Deloitte... Against Business Consultants. "Fuck, What have I missed."
Once again, you are at a crossroads. Will you surrender? Is this too much of a change ? Or will you decide to embrace and lead this change?
I believe you will not surrender. Once again, you will prove that creativity is about finding brilliant solutions to problems. The rest are only tools.
Challenge accepted.